Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sloka and StotrAni

Ganesha PrArthana
suklAmbaradharam vishnu Sasi varnam cathurbhujam
prasannavadanam dhyAyeth sarva vighnOpa SAntaye

HanumAn stotram
Buddhir Balam Yasho Dhairyam Nir Bhayatvam Arogata
Ajatyam Vak Patutvam Cha Hanumat Smaranat Bhavet

By remembering Hanuman, one can gain wisdom, strength, success, courage, fearlessness, lack of ill health, lack of sluggishness, and Oratory skills. 

Saraswathi PrArthana
Ya Kundendu TushAra HAra DhavalA
Ya Shubhra VastrAvrita
Ya Veena Vara Danda Manditakara
Ya Sveta Padmaasana

Ya Brahma Achyutaha Sankara Prabrithibhih
Devai Sadaa Poojitha
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswathi Bhagavati
Nishyesha Jaadyaapaha

Hayagriva Stotram
GnyAnAnanda mayam devam
nirmala sphatikAghritim
AdhAra sarva vidyAnAm

Guru stotram by Adi SankarAchArya
akhanDamandalAkAram vyAptamyena charAcharam
tatpadam darshitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah ||

ajnAnatimirAndhasya jnAnAnjanashalAkAya
cakshurun mIlitam yena tasmai srigurave namah||

gururbrahma gururvishnuh gururdevo mahesvarah
gurureva param brahma tasmai sri gurave namah ||

sthAvaram jangamam vyAptam yatkincitsacarAcaram
tatpadam darshitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah ||

kshamasva stotram
करचरण कृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधं
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व
जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शम्भो
Kara-Caranna Krtam Vaak-Kaaya-Jam Karma-Jam Vaa |
Shravanna-Nayana-Jam Vaa Maanasam Va-Aparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva |
Jaya Jaya Karunna-Abdhe Shrii-Mahaadeva Shambho ||

kara: hand
Vaa:Or |
Shravanna:act of hearing

Jam- born 
Maanasam:of the Mind
Vihitam:Actions which are prescribed

(i.e. duties prescribed by tradition or allotted duties in one's station of life)
Avihitam:As Well as All other Actions which are Not explicitly Prescribed (i.e. actions done by self-judgement, by mere habit, without much thinking, unknowingly etc); 
Vaa Or
Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva |
Jaya Jaya:victory

Abdhe - ocean
Mahaadeva Shambho ||

1 comment:

  1. Namo NamaH,

    Thank you for all the uploads. Very helpful!
    If the letters highlighting the Mahapranas are highlighted or underlined and that coding is explained to the children, it will help them in learning the correct pronunciation. It has helped my daughter with the scripts of Carnatic Music. It was really confusing for her to know intuitively how to say dha, or Tha.
    Just a humble suggestion.

